Record tab audio

How to Capture Browser Tab Audio in Recordings

Need to capture sound from your browser tab? Whether you're recording a presentation, demo, or online meeting, follow these steps to include tab audio in your recordings:
    Access the Vaam extension: Click the Vaam extension icon and select either "Window" or "Full screen" recording mode. Do not choose "Current tab"
    Initiate recording: Click "Start recording".
    Choose the Chrome Tab: In the sharing dialog that appears, click the "Chrome Tab" option at the top.
    Select your tab: Select the tab you want to record from the list.
    Enable audio sharing: Look for the "Also share tab audio" toggle at the bottom and make sure it's switched on (it'll be blue when enabled).
    Start recording with audio: Click "Share" and your recording will start with tab audio!

Quick tip: If you're recording something with sound (like a video or presentation), it's a good idea to do a quick test recording first to make sure the audio levels are coming through clearly.