Authenticate with LinkedIn

Vaam Outreach lets you automate LinkedIn actions such as connection requests, messages, and more. But before you can start automating, you must authenticate Vaam Outreach with LinkedIn. Follow the instructions below to get going.

LinkedIn Authentication Methods

There are two ways to authenticate with LinkedIn:
    Chrome extension (easiest): This method uses our extension to log you in.
    Email/Password (most stable): Log in with your email and password on LinkedIn.
Follow each guide below to learn about them in detail.

Using the Chrome Extension Method

To use the extension method,  install our Chrome extension . When using LinkedIn, the extension ensures you are logged in with Vaam and can perform requests on your behalf. This method may be less stable as LinkedIn does not favor this method of maintaining login status.

Warning: If you experience issues with being logged out and Vaam's inability to perform tasks, consider the email and password method described below.

Using the email/password method

The email password method means that you use your LinkedIn email and password to log in via Vaam. This will ensure that we have a stable connection to your account and that there will be minimal disruptions to your automations. To get started, follow the instructions below.

    Select "Email/Password" in the Login method dropdown
    Click "+ Add LinkedIn Account"
    Follow the instructions on the screen

Note: The login process might include several verification steps, such as:
  • SMS
  • LinkedIn's mobile application
  • Email
  • Image captchas
Read the instructions on the screen carefully to ensure that the login goes smoothly.